Switching gears for a moment: Meet Reese, my miniature Dachshund.
Reese is an inside "city" dog, and like any inside "city dog, he goes out at night before bed to "do his business". The nightly question at our house is, "Reese? You wanna go OUTSIDE!?" *note: this is always in a very excited voice, cause he's just so cute running to the door!* So, after the question, I open the doors (we have a storm door) to let him out, turn to go brush my teeth and 5 seconds later I hear the most horrible sound:
Even now it gives me the willies! It was so loud and scary and ...and...HUMAN sounding! I thought...Oh My Goodness!! A pack of wild mountain Gorillas have attacked my dog in our (fenced in) yard! He better run away fast, cause I definitely AIN'T going out there!
I run the glass storm door and strain my eyes to see him over by the fence and as soon as I look, I realize that it isn't Reese that is screaming; he dragging something out from under our little storage shed and it is BIGGER than he is. My second deadly animal guess was a badger. Now, I'm not even sure if badgers live in Hattiesburg, MS, or if I would even know what one looked like if I saw it....but it was DEFINITELY a badger....or a raccoon (do raccoon's SCREAM like that?)...or a .......and then I see it........
Lets say it collectively "AWWWWW!!!!".
That's right a bunny! Well, technically it was a rabbit. I was right about one thing; it was at least as big if not bigger than my little dog! He had it by the back leg dragging it out from under the storage shed!!! I flipped out!! What if it bit him? What if it had disease? Then my thoughts turned to, What if he KILLED a bunny??!! I just knew I could never look at him the same way again; Reese: Pet by day; Bunny Killer by night.
So then I proceeded to chase Reese ALL over the yard in my sock feet, at night, in the wet grass, where he goes POOPY, while he is dragging (running backwards away from me) what had to be 7 or 8 lb rabbit. It took me more than 5 mins to get him to let the rabbit go!
Moral of this story? #1. Never assume a night is going to be boring. #2. Clean up your doggy poop, even if you no one can see into your yard!!
I am glad Jason will be back tomorrow!!!
Soooooooo Funny, Thanks. The Rabbit Killer.... It could be a movie!