Jason, Randi and Leah

Our Life Together

Leah's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I will do a better update after our doctors appointment Tuesday, July 13th. But for now.....

We have all been doing great! We are mostly moved in to our house in Meridian, even though by looking at our garage, you couldn't tell. It is storage right now for "things we don't need on a daily basis". Hope to get it down to "stuff we don't need until the next time we move" before Leah gets here, but we'll see.

So, as of today, I am 27 weeks and 4 days pregnant. If anyone is counting (like me!!) that means we only have 12 weeks and 3 days to go! Give or take. As far as symptoms go, not much has changed. If you remember from my last post, I'm not working anymore, so my back pain is actually better as of right now. I'm sure it will probably pick up as my belly grows, but other than a little hip pain, it's not too bad. However...the groin pain is terrible! It doesn't hurt if I've been up and moving around, but if I've been sitting for a while, or when I sleep at night it's REALLY bad. Doctor says this is normal "round ligament pain".

I'm still having contractions - Braxton Hicks, that is. It started at about 1 or 2 a day, but now it has picked up to 6 or 7 a day and more than that at night. I've found that if I lay on my back at night, they get worse. Still, though, no pain with them....just a hard, contorted belly!

Also, Leah is a little wiggle worm. She still isn't making my belly look like an alien, but she is definitely squirmy! She has really gotten busy over the last week all of a sudden...must be packing on some pounds. I know I am!!! At my 24 week check-up, I had gained a total of 5 or 6 lbs...but that was all in 4 weeks!! The doctor didn't say it was too much, but I have a feeling that if I gain that much this time, he will tell me to "Slow Down!!" I haven't changed my eating habits, but I have quit work, and that may have something to do with it. Keeping my fingers crossed for 5 lbs gained or less at this next visit on Tuesday. Here is a picture of the belly from today. Sorry it's blurry...Jason took it with an iPhone.

In my last post I had promised pictures of Leah's "stuff". I didn't take many pictures of individual items, but just enough to give you an idea. Most of these things are from my baby shower that the girls at work threw me during my last week before we moved. Other than that, my mom sent me some things that were mine when I was little that she had saved and she also sent just a couple outfits that she had purchased a while ago (even before I was pregnant) to give as gifts. Well, they are Leah's now!!! We still have two baby showers to go......blessed or what???!!
Clothes: Newborn - 18 months
Laundry basket, diapers, wipes, lotion, blanket and other random items.

Cabinet holding blankets, shoes, socks, rattles, onesies, towels and washcloths!

One of my dresses when I was a baby.

Little Alabama booties from my Mom.

And finally, this is just a little preview of what the theme will be in Leah's room. We can't paint in our condo so we found a cheap bedding set that we are gonna use to decorate with. We decided on something neutral so that we could use it for the next baby...boy or girl!