Jason, Randi and Leah

Our Life Together

Leah's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

One Month Old

I am 5 weeks old!!

My mommy TRIED to weigh and measure me and she says I weigh 10.2 lbs and am 23 inches long! That's right....I'm a big girl!! (I go to the doctor in 2 weeks, when I'm almost 2 months old and they will tell me how big I really am.)

Well, this first month has really flown by! I guess when you sleep all the time.....well, you know. Anyway, my parents seem pretty cool. They let me sleep when and where ever I want, my mommy feeds me (I've really got this booby thing down!), and my daddy snuggles me so good that I can't help but fall asleep. I have to admit, Mommy and Daddy are pretty weird sometimes though. For example, one time, I was trying to sleep and m
y Daddy put his finger on my chin and made my mouth move and everyone was laughing. I don't know what that was all about...here...just see for yourself. Click Laughing Attack

Oh, and my mom sings ALL the time! She makes my arms and legs move and makes her laugh so hard....it IS pretty funny. Sometimes, I'll even smile too...but it isn't funny enough to make me laugh, I mean, come one Mommy! Geez!

Now that I think about it, my whole family is kinda strange! EVERYONE talks to me in the same voice. Mommy, Daddy, grandparents, uncles, cousins...they all talk really high and their eyes get really big and they smile a LOT! I wonder if I will talk like this one day?

Other stuff that has been happening:
I really, really like baths! (While I am actually IN the bath....getting out is COLD!)
I take naps in my "Big Girl" crib in my room now.
I got to meet family from Virginia and New York!
I got to meet my Great Gran (He's the OLDEST! Mommy says he's 85 years older than me....that's a LOT!)

Everyone says I look like my mommy. Here is a picture of her when she was a baby like me.

I think that's about all of the stuff I can remember about this first month. Oh and I forgot to mention that I've had so many visitor that I can't even name them all. I've met all of my Grandparents, 3 of my uncles, 5 of my great grandparents, 2 great uncles, 2 great aunt, lots of my 2nd cousins, and 3 of my 3rd cousins (one of them is 3 weeks younger than me!) Mom says that there are probably more that I'm forgetting, but you get the picture! I've had lots of visitors and I loved it!!

Ok, time for a nap!

See you soon,
Leah Love (that's what mom calls me!)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

And then there were 3...

I guess since my baby girl will be a 5 weeks old tomorrow, I should probably update my blog, huh?
Leah Rose Street has made her appearance into our world! She was born on Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2010 at 7:23 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long. PERFECT!

The labor and delivery, while unexpected, went very well. Jason and I went to the scheduled doctor appointment at 9:45 that Wednesday morning for our 38 1/2 weeks visit. The doctor didn't seem to be expecting much, but when he "checked" me, I was dilated to 4 cm and was 95% effaced! "Let's go break your water," were the next words we heard. We were checked into the hospital around 11 am, and about 8 hrs later, Leah was here!

I'm not going to bore everyone with all the details, but honestly, I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, I started having contractions at home about 40 hrs before Leah was born, got an epidural 6 hrs before she was born, didn't feel anything, pushed for like 10 mins, and she was here. Ok...ok...the 36 hrs of contractions before the epidural weren't THAT pleasant, but bearable, and the almost passing out and shaking for the next 2 hrs after the epidural weren't great.....but all in all...labor and delivery are doable! We had a healthy, happy, beautiful little girl. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

1 hr after delivery
When Leah was 10 days old (on her actual due date) we had some newborn pictures made. Our friend Summer, from Birmingham, came to our house and took some beautiful shots. (If anyone is interested, her website is www.summersimpson.com.) These just melt our hearts! Enjoy!

Jason and I are so blessed to have such a good baby and also to have such wonderful friends and family that have helped out during this first month. Thank you to everyone!