Jason, Randi and Leah

Our Life Together

Leah's First Birthday ticker

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's a Baby!!

I'm a little delayed with this post out of pure tiredness! All I want to do is nap here and nap there...oh well. So, last week (wednesday) we went for a baby check-up. We were 11 weeks and 4 days along. {Time is passing so quickly!} I did the whole, pee in a cup, weight and blood pressure thing and everything looks great. I've actually lost 4 lbs, so I guess that's good. My doctor wasn't worried so I'm not worried.

We go in for the doctor visit part, which, by the way, only lasted about 5 mins or less, and we asked her a couple of questions. She also said she wanted to listen to the heartbeat to make sure everything is sounding okay. (Apparently this is something they will do from now on, I gather.) So after about 1 min of listening and looking for the heart thumpity-thump, she said, "I'm not worried, you're probably just a little early to hear anything on the hand-held doppler and I hate to send anyone home without hearing their baby's heartbeat, so lets just jump in and take a quick peak on ultrasound."

YYYYAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! We were so excited! Jason and I had been kinda bummed because we thought it would be a few months before we would get to see the baby again, at the 20 week "big" ultrasound visit. So she slipped us in there and as soon as she put the ultrasound probe on the baby, we KNEW everything was ok! Baby Street was moving and shaking everywhere! Long arms and legs kicking and stretching....it was amazing! In fact, "Awesome" was the word Jason said about 35 times! haha

Baby Street's heart rate was 184 beats/min! Really fast! So of course as I told my family, everyone's guess was instantly "GIRL!!!"

Only time will tell. We go back to the doc on April 27th and we will be 17+ weeks. We will probably set up our "big" ultrasound on that day. That thought makes my heart beat a little faster. Until next time, here are a few pictures from our ultrasound last week.